Helping Find A Home
and Mortgage

That's Right For You!

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    We Can Help You With ...


    Are you ready to start looking for a house? No where else to start than with our unique MLS tool that helps you determine which houses in your area are on sale!

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    Enrolling In Our 1% Program

    We offer our special 1% Program for all of our sellers. Minimize fees so you keep as much money as you can!

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    Finding A Loan / Refinance

    Planning on buying a new home? We offer the following types of financing: Conventional, FHA, VA, USDA, Private loans & Bridge loans.

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    • We Work With Our Private Bank
    • Work With Certified Creditors
    • Trusted Loan Officers
    • Licensed Real Estate Broker
    • FHA & VA Approved
    • Se Habla Español