Envision Website

A Past Project Completed while at JSOE

UC San Diego Envision

URL : http://jacobsschool.ucsd.edu/envision/

Technology Used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • MySQL

About the site

The website was built as an interactive website for students to come and explore the arts and humanity side of engineering. This includes giving students access to 3D Printers and other new and innovative tools in today's world.

On the front-end part of the website, the site displays information about classes that are allowed to use the Envision Studio, where all the tools are located, as well and describing the space. The site was initially built to provide students with information, but overtime, Jesse Dewald, the director of the studio at the time, wanted us to build a way for students to reserve the machines.

As a result, I was tasked with building the laserbot reservation system. Written in purely PHP, first users will have to login with their single sign on credentials. Then, it allows users to view times that the machine is availible for use, as well as it allows them to reserve the machine during the allowed times.

This information is then sent to the machine which is controlled by a RaspberryPi, and makes a database check to ensure the student is approved to use the machine during that time period in which they scanned their ID cards.

This was personally my favorite project to work on while I was working at Jacobs School of Engineering.